Ukraine Awaits.
Just about a month ago, my colleague Dan Suciu and I returned from Ukraine as we continue to work at building a CF village there. We had great meetings and honestly spent a lot of time in government buildings and agencies putting all the final pieces together on our NGO paperwork -- this is what we call a non-profit organization in the United States.
I'm very happy to report that on Friday the 15th of March we signed the papers and now Caminul Felix Ukraine is officially recognized in the country and able to proceed with important next steps! We have had tremendous help and support along the way.
Dan and I will now receive the opportunity to move freely and transact business on behalf of CF Ukraine. We also have the right to acquire property and even get a temporary residency pass.
We actually had our eyes on one particular parcel of land but sadly it fell through as the owner gave the land away and the new owner is not interested in selling. However, our friends in Ukraine were quite encouraging toward us and other opportunities have sprung up. Including the property pictured.
It is not a huge piece of property, but it is connected and adjacent to other land that is available. I love this particular part of it for where the houses might be. It is completely wrapped in forest so it is wind-protected. The land surrounding it is open farmland. The one piece has had 3 owners in 4 years and no one has used it. I think we can get this parcel for about $5,000 USD. It is already fed by electricity and has a deep water well. We continue to pursue what's next as this land is available now but we are also looking at other land as well.
We continue to build relationships and solidify our current ones. I've fallen deeply for this village area called Zbarazh and I simply can't get this place out of my heart. The region is growing now as companies from the East of Ukraine are moving west for obvious reasons. No one wants to border Russia anymore. It's a tragedy.
Dan and I also spent more time with refugees and the work some of these small churches are doing among them is impressive and virtually miraculous. The photo of the church is filled with MOSTLY refugees from the east of Ukraine. We are fortunate to be connected to a group of pastors who value serving those who’ve been displaced and we are grateful for all they do!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Your support is helping us to accomplish what we are doing. I'm so thankful! Please keep us and Ukraine in your prayers. I'm praying daily that this war (and ALL wars) would be silenced.
If you have any questions at all -- including about things you are maybe curious about, please reply to me at If you are interested in helping us to purchase land, you can make a donation by going to this web address:
Be sure to scroll down to make a donation – thank you!
Bill Funk Caminul Felix International Director